Kuali Identity Management
KIM is the KFS module that controls how users interact with the system. It also maintains the rules for how eDocs are routed.
Kuali Identity Management (KIM) is a system to handle permissions and users in a unified way across all Kuali applications. This is particularly important for schools that will ultimately be implementing two or more Kuali systems. KIM is a part of Kuali RICE, underpinning software that all Kuali applications use.
Kuali applications will communicate with KIM to determine what permissions a user has. KIM will also define workflow responsibilities.
2 new reports are available:
Standard Financial Reports > Standard Reports > KIM Security
- Account Delegations
Lists the Primary and Secondary Delegates and dollar thresholds for accounts by Fiscal Officer. The report can be run by Organization, Account, Fiscal Officer or Delegate. - Employee Memberships
Displays the Roles, Groups and Security Models of which KFS users are members. The report can be run by Organization, Individual or Role.
In support of the new reports there are also 2 new data stars: